Tuesday 28 December 2010

Parenting SKILLS

Our children are more valuable and important than anything else, so any knowledge involving them or raising them should be considered valuable and important. Children don't come with instruction manuals and parenting doesn't come with a manual or an infallible guide. Every situation and family is unique. We as individuals are different.
Maybe what we learned (consciously and subconsciously) from our parents, family members or others. We parent around our beliefs, morals, and values. Even with training and education in parenting, we need to be naturally adaptive, resourceful, and improvisational. Proper parenting training and education provides a foundation of knowledge which we can build off of, making it easier and more efficient to use our natural parenting instincts and skills.
Parenting is something that cannot be perfected. We can be passionate about it and do the best possible job that we can. It is the most fruitful investment because it is for the benefit of our children and our relationship with our children.
We all want to raise our children to grow into strong, loving, and responsible adults. Good parenting benefits parents and children, and the benefits can last a lifetime. Improving our parenting skills and investing in our children are the best investments that we could ever make.
Click the link below for more Help and Information for Parents

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